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Cool game. I enjoyed all stages.


I like how its similar to how you would indoor climb IRL. Using your feet to get more height and stability or let them hang loose to get more flexibility. I approched those puzzles the same way as I would approach a indoor boulder course.  


One thing I missed though is the implementation of your own momentum to get your body further if you are hanging.


Great game.  I love  it.

Got my climbing friends to play this and was cracking up with them at the funny wiggly movements. incredible i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe very fun

Very fun game, at first glance it looks like another "qwop-like" made to frustrate you, but it actually has some depth in the gameplay and it forces you to think the movements well.

Good game. It is pretty fun for a Rock Climbing arcade game. I like the concept of different levels.

Not a rock climbing simulator. 

I like the SFX in the game. Do you want to keep this game without any music? 
Let me know! 

Its so hard but its so good


It's so hard lol


pc version plz


Fantastic game mate. Polished gameplay, clean visuals, engaging puzzles. Well done.

Im stuck on level 4 :(

(1 edit) (+1)

Let 1 foot hang loose. Focus on controlling the small rock hand as the body naturally swings to the left. (I'd add spoilers, but don't think Itch has that feature.)

2nd Part. Use your legs!


god bless you


Hilarious to see a game in your language while scrolling on! Takk Torfi!!

Takk fyrir að spila!


I would love to play more levels. I really had a lot of fun playing this.


Wow nice game design, and cool physics. Ok lets stop joking I see black. 😃


Currently stuck on Risi ;^;

I think that was the hardest one for me. I figured out it's easier to reach for a lot of holds by using the legs rather than arms. Very often you can reach a lot higher than with hands.


Cool game! Soozing art, simple but fun mechanic, as an ex-rock climber i really like it!

This is great



This is exactly what people who boulder mean when they say it's like a puzzle but with your body. So fun!


this is so original, so good

I love this

This is so well executed 🤌


What a simple and cool concept: Love it!


really good also i like with how the page is the same color as the game so it feels like he's climbing on the wall page




Would love more levels, I've been coming back to this game all day and just finished it, it's addictive and I love it :)


Great idea and execution! I would love to see more


Why is level two so hard?


I'm not sure if it's just because I am trying to play on a touchscreen but stage 2 is impossible.


I love it, it's really good


this is soo harddddd

love it tho

perfectly challenging




Love it !


This is one of the coolest games with a novel concept I have seen in a while. It would be really cool if there were a complete mountain climbing game, where you start out practicing on rock walls, like this, but eventually lead an expedition up Everest, with full gear and team, and many threats. Maybe throw in a bunch of interactive banter through AI, maybe multiplayer...where you can socialize before making your way up the mountain.  Perhaps a storyline, or maybe just an 'open' environment, but show a slideshow narrative of what happened, after the fact, as a reward. Just ideas. Your game rocks. Keep going. Please. For all of us. 


Respect to you for writing a whole book on how this dude can improve his game lol.

I thik this game is so far so good and can be so good for a while. Lot of fun to play it


...and that was just Chapter One. lol j/k

Since I don't know this guy's name, I guess they're Kilfur


Klifur means climb in icelandic, the names of the levels are in icelandic too 



oh no, you spelt it kilfur instead of klifur, and now its the end of the world D:


Great game! Only thing I could wish for is more stages :)

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