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can't play it. the only thing that shows is black screen (even after redowloading)




but y r we climbing.





(1 edit)

cool little game

Ah, geez he's gonna fall!😅


Love it!

had fun! awesome game!


cant get passed second too llast level retarded ass game



  I beat that level in 2:05 with only 45 moves

Pls explain


wait, let me get this straight, you can't get passed the last level so the whole game sucks? is that right?


nah im just retarted


hey, don't worry, i am to.





wish u could download this </3

This reminded me of the time i got my pants stuck on a rock when i was wall climbing :P

Tell me more =)

So it was with me and some friends (along with my crush) and everything was going as planned we did competitive then casual then one of my friends dared me. see there was a wall climb with a timer my friends said "if you finish that in 20 seconds i'll give you 10.00 rp (basically $10 in indonesia) and i did it, everyone saw it and when i was climbing down my pants got HOOKED to the rock and i was like "dude seriously this is the worst timing ever" and i was stuck for about 15min before my friends help me get down (and i fell so hard on the floor i sprained my ankle)

:0 I hope your leg heals quickly! Ouch! (also very funny story!)


haha lol

omg that sounds so embarrassing- *sob*


Love it


reminds me of girp by bennet foddy


really fun but i am not nearly smart enough to play this




This was so much fun! More levels please!!!


The game is a lot of fun! Believe me or not, it does remind me of moments when I was climbing haha. I especially like that the gameplay naturally unfolds from the physics of the game. Congrats!

I'd suggest to make the cursor more visible though. I often happened to be searching my cursor, which was quite frustrating in tense moments. I personally felt the need to change the css of the canvas with "cursor: crosshair;".




I finished within the star moves and even managed to get it in LESS moves on some levels! 

Amazing, well done!

bro gimme the answer for the last one please :sob:

I'm sorry it's been so long since I played I have no idea how I managed it D:

There's someone lower in the comments who played it till the end in a video but they took a lot of moves to do it

this is a very fun game

amazing game! I think Risi was the hardest level. Although, Dyngja was pretty frustrating too.

Very nice :D


it was really fun and challenging. 


Well done!

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

my game broke, arms and legs won't follow cursor. 

edit: It was fixed after I restarted my browser.


beat the game, really fun! What language is it in?


this needs a sequel or extension!!!!!

this was a very enjoyable mini-game to pass the time.


Every so often, I return to this game to find my progress has been deleted. x.x

One time this happened, I had finished all 12 levels and I got the records in about half of them. It's so discouraging to be that far along and suddenly see paddle locks pop up on all the levels you've already cleared...

I don't want to do it again. I shouldn't have to do it again... I want my old save back!

make sure your browser doesn't have an auto clear function for your cache, it might be automatically clearing your cache since you're not using this page that often


the falling noises are so delightful


That dude is flexible !


this was so fun to finish! definetely frustrating, time flew by

(1 edit) (+4)

There's a bug where if you press R to restart a level while still holding down click, the game still thinks you're moving the appendage. If you let go after having restarted, the appendage will be released/moved without costing a turn, which can be used to shave a turn off levels. Worse than that though, if you release at the same time as pressing R, it won't reset that appendage and will instead leave it wherever it was placed. You can use that to bug next to the finish and win in 3 or less turns, or you can bug directly to the finish, winning in zero turns with a time of 0:00 (having a score of zero also causes other minor problems).


Wow, I had never tried that. Thanks for letting me know!

What the actual frick???


Hi, I hope you're doing well! 

I work on a product to make therapy for children and youth more engaging by integrating games and other fun activities. Would you have some time to chat about a partnership/integration?

Hi! Sure. You can send me an email to torfias at gmail dot com.



Hi Torfi,

Just checking in to see if you got my email. I would love to have a chat with you when you have some time!


you dont actually this is a scam made up for free games that you can sell i have heard of this before



i would absolutely pay for more levels or an endless mode! this is such a cute little game all around! great work :)

This is such a genius game! love it so much

Am I stupid? I can't pass level 2 :,(


You're not stupid, you just gotta use your legs!

ohhhhh, thanks for that, I was also struggling on 2 lol

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